Save By Hiring a Virtual Assistant Instead Of a Personal Assistant

3 min readDec 17, 2020


Management of emails on a day to day basis sometimes consumes much time. Same is with conducting a vital research work for a product launch or likewise. Well, hiring a personal assistant (P.A.) always seems to be a convenient solution in all such cases. However, a P.A might not have all the skill sets that you are looking for. This is because sometimes he or she can be excellent in one task, but not effective in other tasks.

For instance, your P.A can manage your calendar superbly but can lack confidence in conducting an online research for your white papers. Such a thing obviously does not happen when you are hiring a virtual assistant because there is a remarkable difference between virtual assistant (V.A) and personal assistant (P.A).

For example:

  • A personal assistant is a professional who can work well with a certain set of skill set, but a VA can be a jack of all trades.
  • A personal assistant work from your office, while a virtual assistant work from anywhere. The former work dedicated for you and a virtual assistant can work with multiple clients too.

The differences are thus multiple. If you think it as virtual assistant vs personal assistant, you will find the former has an edge over the later.

Let’s figure out the savings that you can have by hiring a VA. 1. Save your precious time

You can be astonished to discover that you can have more free time with a VA at your side. This is in terms of everything as you don’t need to spend too much time in searching the right assistant. A virtual assistant is always brilliant in all administrative tasks and at the same time as a helping hand in chalking out your itineraries, market research, managing your social networking accounts, etc. In short, you don’t have to invest your precious time in all these tasks. You can focus more on your core business operations or can just soak yourself in leisure!

2. Plenty of flexibility

If you hire a personal assistant, you need to assign him the necessary tasks in an office environment. Some personal assistants are self-motivated and you can delegate them some of the tasks over the phone. However, such cases are exceptional and when you are hiring a VA, the entire ball game is different. You have the luxury of getting your work done without your physical presence. A virtual assistant is accustomed to working under minimal supervision and can manage all types of tasks efficiently. So, you can enjoy plenty of flexibility which is no less than savings.

3. Significant monetary savings

Imagine, you don’t have to recruit someone on a payroll? You don’t have to think about your responsibility towards any employee-related taxes or insurance benefits. Since, a virtual assistant can work efficiently from a remote location, you don’t have to bother about investing in infrastructure development. Moreover, you will only need to pay on an hourly basis for all the productive work done by him. So, naturally you end up saving a huge amount. Isn’t it?

Thus, undoubtedly hiring a virtual assistant instead of a personal assistant make a good sense. So, subscribe to any of our plans and experience significant savings.

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